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The Event Description Goals and Objectives is the basic starting point for any event.  It helps both you and your team come together to collaborate what the big picture is and how it will be achieved by detailing each phase in the process.  Without goals and objectives the ultimate goal, which is the event, could not be reached.  Every aspect matters and plays a key role to the events success.

Event Principles

Strategic Planning:

In order to properly inform, and discuss information with the correct person/people at an organization or business, a quick glance at the organizational chart may make the process much easier.  The organizational chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization, how each position is ranked and its relationships within the grand scheme of it all.  Every piece of the puzzle is important in order to make the big picture whole.  For instance, you can't go straight to the CEO with a proposal without running the expected budget costs with the accountant first. 

Event Description Goals and Objectives:

Organizational Chart:

Event Contracts, Job Descriptions, Vendor Guidelines:

Volunteer Job Description:

Concessions Confirmation and Set- Up Requirements:

Entertainment Contract:

Volunteers may almost be the most important aspect to running an event! In fact, without volunteers there would be no event.  With that being said, it is important to highlight every single detail your volunteer may need to know in the volunteer job description page.  The more information, the better informed your volunteer will be, and you can spend more time focusing on the finishing details rather than having to inform your volunteer what they will be doing for their assigned position.  It works out in everyones best interest!

Running an event is always chaos.  In order to minimize all of the unanswered questions coming your way, creating an information sheet that contains guidelines, requirements and other blurbs of information a vendor may need to know leading up to the event day is the best way to do that.  This "Fact Sheet" contains information starting with vendor fees and payment processes all the way to parking and trash removal information, along with everything in between.  By aiming to answer every potential question in this document before the event, and giving it to all of the vendors as they sign up, it allows you to focus on the more pressing problems that seem to always pop up on event day, rather than having to deal with someone bringing a tent that is larger than the "maximum requirements" or not knowing where to park.

In order to have a solid binding aggreement between two people/groups you MUST have a contract, signed by both parties, or nothing is guarenteed.  By documenting every detail desired, expected and required within the contract, both parties become responsible for their end of the deal upon signing on the dotted line.  Once the document has been signed, it may be enforcable by law.  By developing and creating a contract, it became clear how important it is to make every expectation as clear as possible to assure there is no confusion, because once the document is signed, there is no out.  I

Site Planning and Risk Management:

Site Check List:

Site Map:

Event Timeline:

While preparing for an event, it is important to complete a site checklist to cover every aspect involved in carrying out an event. Each item covered tells what it is used for, and the positives/negatives of this component.  It is important to includethe general logistical needs, site adherence, general planning items and the support needed for administrative needs.  The site check list helps clear any misunderstandings, as well as assure all topics needed are determined pre event.

The site map may be one of the most important steps when it comes to informing vendors and staff/volunteers prior to the event start date.  Logistically it is necessary to take the time and lay out where every single comonent of the event will be located to eliminate confusion the day of the event as well as eliminate the chance that you will forget something/not have enough room for everyone who signed up.  The site map puts everthing into perspective in a visable, tangible form rather than winging it.

An event timeline is important for not only you and your event, but for upper management as well.  When proposing your event, it gives upper management the opportunity to see the process, budget and time frame of the entire thing.  An event timeline also allows you to keep track of what you are doing and assure that you are doing the correct things at the correct time in order to have a successful event.

Site Checklist
and Map
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